Upcoming events.

UNIT 2 45 Moira Road, Lisbrun
This month’s event will take place in a recently vacant shop premises. The Journey Church will be using this building for some community work over the next few months, so we are coming in to prepare the ground through worship and intercession, for whatever God has in store for this local area. Come along and bring some friends to praise the Creator and consecrate this space to Him!
Conway Mill
April’s ZEAL NIGHT will be in Conway Mill at the bottom of the Falls Road. It’s an old mill that is now used for offices, galleries, historical tours, and much more. Let’s come together to worship over this building, area, and city together!
The Cousin's Garden
Our may ZEAL NIGHT will take place in The Cousin Family’s back garden in Donaghadee. This is a very exciting event that’ll bring Zealous into a different space with the capacity to sing songs of God’s hope and power over the nation in a new space. The address will be released nearer to the time!

Cathy Short Theatre
Our February ZEAL NIGHT is in The Cathy Short Theatre in North Belfast. Let’s come together and consecrate the space with worship and expect God to bring transformation to the local area.

Our first Big Band Practice where all ages can get together to learn new worship music, build relationship, and encourage each other in their ministry. Sign up to the event here.

St Comgall’s
Our January ZEAL NIGHT is in St Comgall’s at the bottom of the Falls Road. Let’s come together and consecrate the space with worship and expect God to bring transformation to the local area.